L'ouvert / The Opening
Pierre Wat
Direction littéraire
L’Ouvert / The Opening
Vicky Colombet
by Pierre Wat
is now available in Librairies and on Amazon
There is also a Limited Edition of forty books
each numbered 1/40 - 40/40 and signed by the author and the artist Each book includes an original oil-on canvas by
Vicky Colombet
(mounted on cardboard) 11.4 x 20 cm / 4 1/2 x 7 7/8 in
a bilingual French-English publication, translation by Laurie Hurwitz
12.5 x 21.5 cm, +/- 120 pages
Paintings are available for viewing on our website: http://www.editions-galilee.fr
Limited Edition Price : 350 € / US $ 395.00 +shipping
Please reserve……copie(s) by mailing to the Editions Galilée
Upon confirmation, funds can be wired to
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S.A. au capital de 493 580 € - R.C. Pais 82 B 2013 – SIRET 718 206 295 00039 – APE 221 A
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